Memory Care by New Roots Herbal | Bacopa monnieri · 300 mg · 25:1 Extract · 45% Bacosides Memory Protection and Cognitive Support (60 capsules) | Natural Health Products
Memory Care

Memory Care Code 3148
UPC: 6-28747-13148-3
NPN: 80105758
Format: Vegetable Capsules

Bacopa monnieri · 300 mg · 25:1 Extract · 45% Bacosides
Memory Protection and Cognitive Support

Key Features and Benefits

  • How can you protect your precious memories? Memory Care!
  • Industry-leading 25:1 extract with laboratory-validated 45% bacoside content.
  • Clinically researched Bacopa monnieri provides support for multiple cognitive concerns.

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Are you forgetting names, numbers, or passwords? Perhaps not being able to find where you left something or forgetting to keep appointments? These are common memory lapses.

Memory Care can help support all aspects of brain function, including memory!

Keeping your cognitive health at optimal levels is undoubtedly the best way to perform better in every area of your life. Be it work, studies, sports, hobbies, or any other activity, the ability to think clearly, react quickly, and learn effectively are integral—not to mention the ability to remember it all!

Memory Care features 300 mg of potency-validated Bacopa monnieri extract. This 25:1 standardized extract provides 45% of active bacosides. These compounds help modulate signalling pathways between brain cells.

Consider a thought process as being a spark between cells, an impulse which travels from cell to cell via specialized parts of nerve cells called axons and dendrites. A memory or thought is like a baton in a relay race being passed from one cell to another. Bacosides are compounds that make for a smooth transition, so your brain cells don’t drop these batons. The result? You are less likely to drop the ball with tasks and events, be they daily rituals or critically important.

Directions of Use




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